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Vincent Montalbano

Amateur Scout - Vancouver Canucks (NHL), Owner ​/​ Coach East Coast Kings Spring & Summer Hockey Program, Fmr GM Connecticut Jr Rangers (NCDC), Fmr HC Connecticut Jr Rangers (USPHL), Fmr Scout Tri-City Storm (USHL), Fmr Scout St. Louis Blues (NHL), Fmr Scout USA National Development Program, Fmr Scout US Director of Central Scouting (QMJHL), Fmr College Hockey Player


  • Total Years of Experience23

Specializations, Areas of Expertise, or Focus Areas (if any)

Scouting Draft Prospects Recruiting for various junior levels including USHL, QMJHL, NCDC, USPHL and others

Other Topics I Enjoy Discussing (development process, nutrition, fitness, mental game, etc)

Navigating the junior hockey landscape. Development paths for players.

Reviews (0)

    per half hour